Preschool Educational Philosophy
The goal of St. Lawrence Preschool is to provide a structured supportive setting where children can participate in a variety of activities that are appropriate to their level of development. The activities are planned to stimulate communication and language, to build social skills, to provide experience in fine and gross motor areas, to promote acquisition of general knowledge, to teach pre-academic skills and to foster creativity. Our spiritual program will be entwined throughout the day by use of prayer, spiritual discussions, biblical stories and an appreciation for the general awareness of God’s world.
4 year old preschool MWF 8:15-10:45am and 12:30-3:00pm
3 year old preschool T/TH 8:15-10:45am and 12:30-3:00pm
MWF: $95 a month
T/TH: $80 a month
Preschool Handbook:
Staff and Contact Information:
Teacher: Brittany Bray
Phone Number: 605-432-5673